5 Vitamins You May Be Lacking That Are Keeping You Awake All Night

Vitamins may play a role in how much sleep we get and how restful our sleep is, states the Sleep Doctor website. A vitamin deficiency may affect our risk of sleep disorders, including insomnia and sleep apnea.  What are the vitamins that you may be lacking and keeping you awake?

Vitamin B
The B vitamins include thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and folic acid, states the website Insomnia. The Bs are important for cellular regeneration and provide essential support for your immune system, as well as our skin and central nervous system, and also monitors many of the chemical processes involving mood and sleep. When your body is deficient in any of the major B vitamins early symptoms could include depression and insomnia.

Iron deficiency is commonly seen in those with restless legs syndrome. Uncomfortable feelings in the legs when lying down at night that are relieved by movement may make it hard to fall asleep. It can also be hard to get back to sleep after awakening in the night. Therefore, it may indirectly contribute to insomnia.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E helps maintain healthy cell function and protect cells from damage, according to the Sleep Doctor. Vitamin E’s antioxidant capabilities may also help sleep and sleep-related health problems. People with sleep apnea often have low levels of Vitamin E. Elevating levels of this vitamin may help to improve sleep.

Potassium is a mineral that will help those who struggle to fall asleep, states Reader’s Digest. Researchers published a study in the journal Sleep to see if potassium has an effect on sleep. In the study, one group of participants had taken potassium chloride supplements and another group of participants took identical placebo capsules. Sleep logs and wrist actigraphy were done to measure the time span of a person sleeping. The results indicated an improvement in sleep consolidation with potassium supplements.

This essential mineral assists your body in producing the sleep hormone melatonin, states Reader’s Digest. Magnesium also relieves muscle tension that can prevent restful sleep; it can even help ease tension by encouraging production of an amino acid known as GABA, which relaxes the nervous system. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, Medical Advisory Board Member at the Nutritional Magnesium Association, estimates that more than 75 percent of Americans aren’t getting the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of magnesium, which could be the reason why many people lack sleep.

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