Potato Diet To Lose 5 Kg In Just 3 Days Without Exercise

Some people think that potatoes will make you fat, but that is not actually true (of course, we are not talking about French fries!). Potatoes contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber that speeds up the digestion and the proper function of the intestines.

Moreover, when potato starch comes into contact with water, it swells in our stomach and gives us a feeling of satiety.

We are going to show you a potato diet that will help you lose 5 kg in just 3 days. All you need to do is eat cooked potatoes and drink low-fat yogurt.

The yogurt will regulate the digestive system and remove the excess fluids and toxins from the body, while the potatoes will provide the minimum daily intake of calories. 100g of potatoes contain only 75 calories (less than one glass of orange juice!).

Follow the diet for 3 days and you will be amazed by the results!

First day:

Breakfast: 1 boiled potato without salt, 1 cup of yogurt

Lunch: 2 boiled potatoes without salt, 1 cup of yogurt

Dinner: 2 cups of yogurt

Second day:

Breakfast: 1 cup of yogurt

Lunch: 2 boiled potatoes without salt, 1 cup of yogurt

Dinner: 1 boiled potato without salt, 1 cup of yogurt

Third day:

Breakfast: 1 boiled potato without salt

Lunch: 1 boiled potato without salt, 1 cup of yogurt

Dinner: 1 cup of yogurt

As you can notice, this diet is very short. It lasts for only 3 days and there is no need for more because the meals have extremely low-calorie values that contribute to the quick results.

CAUTION: It is not recommended for people with health problems or people who do a heavy physical activity.
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