Old Grandmas Remedies for Wrinkles

5 natural remedies to eliminate neck wrinkles
In the popular field, several remedies have been proposed to minimize wrinkles and thus improve the appearance of the skin. Many of them are topically applied.

Neck wrinkles are an aesthetic problem for many people. They appear as a consequence of the passage of time, but also, due to the increase and loss of weight in a short time, other issues can be too.

To minimize wrinkles appearance, several home remedies can help complement a healthy lifestyle and, of course, the beauty routine.

Why do neck wrinkles arise?
Several factors promote the formation of wrinkles in the neck and other areas of the body. These might be:

  • Age.
  • Obesity.
  • Lifestyle
  • Bad nutrition
  • Poor skincare.
  • Increase and drastic weight loss in short periods.

All these factors cause the dermis to become progressively drier and finer. Therefore, also less resistant and prone to wrinkle.

Also, expression lines may appear prematurely on the skin. These are the result of habitual and unconscious movements such as frowning, laughing or twisting your eyes.

Natural remedies for neck wrinkles
Although they lack scientific rigor, according to popular beliefs, these natural remedies could help minimize neck wrinkles.

1. Beer and yogurt yeast


  • 2 tablespoons plain yogurt (24 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of brewer’s yeast (10 g)
  • 3 teaspoons wheat germ oil (15 g)


To start, mix all the ingredients until you have a homogeneous paste.
Then apply on the skin of your neck and let dry for 15 minutes.
Finally, rinse with plenty of warm water.
To optimize the results, it is suggested to repeat this procedure at least 3 times per week.
2. Egg white
To start, beat the egg white in a bowl and apply it on the skin of the neck.
Leave on for 15 minutes.
Rinse with plenty of water and repeat the process twice a week.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar


  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 vitamin E capsule
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar (10 ml)


First, mix all the ingredients until they are completely integrated.
With the help of a cotton ball, spread on the skin of your neck with an ascending massage.
Leave on for 20 minutes.

Finally, rinse with warm water.
* Dermatologists indicate that it is not advisable to apply apple cider vinegar on the skin since it is a very aggressive product for it that could cause various adverse reactions.

4. Avocado oil

2 teaspoons avocado oil (10 g)

With the help of cotton, apply the oil on the wrinkles giving a gentle massage.
Then, leave on for 15 minutes and rinse with plenty of warm water.

5. Aloe Vera


1 branch of aloe vera


  • First, extract the aloe vera gel.
  • Apply to the skin of the neck.
  • Leave on for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Additional care to prevent the formation of wrinkles
According to popular beliefs, some tricks should also be put in place to eliminate neck wrinkles, such as the ones we will discuss below. We present them as a healthy alternative to counteract the signs of age.

Moisturize your skin

You should make sure you consume at least 4 glasses of water a day. So you can provide the body with the hydration it needs to carry out cell processes normally.

Use sun protection cream

One of the best habits you can acquire is to use sunscreen. Don’t forget to do it even when the day is cloudy.

Prolonged or frequent exposure to sunlight accelerates skin aging. Also, this way we will also protect ourselves from other skin diseases.

Take care of your diet

It is believed that to prevent and combat the formation of wrinkles, it is also essential to maintain a balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables. Also, it is recommended to avoid excessive consumption of sugar, salt, red meat, and refined flours.

Just Rub Your Skin with This and The Wrinkles Will Disappear!

Here are the ingredients you need:

  • A glass of water
  • Half a glass of aniseed
  • A small teapot


Make a tea from anise seeds and let it cool. Then put it in a glass container and store it in the refrigerator. Every time you wake up, wash your face with aniseed tea and your wrinkles disappear. In addition to removing wrinkles, it will also make your skin soft. When you realize that you get better results from expensive creams, you will start recommending it to everyone. You will start getting great results after about a month of use.

Yogurt mask that removes stains and wrinkles
The yogurt mask, which alleviates the appearance of dark brown spots, especially sunspots on our skin, and adds flexibility to the skin, is in the first place in our list of mask recipes that you can easily prepare at home.


  • ½ teaspoon of freshly squeezed orange juice
  • Pieces of banana
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 1 teaspoon of yogurt

How to prepare:

  • First, peel the banana peel and crush the banana with a fork.
  • Add all the other ingredients too in a bowl and mix well.
  • Apply the entire mixture on your skin and wait for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse your skin with warm water and dry it with a soft towel.
  • At the last stage, apply a moisturizer to your skin that is compatible with the skin type you always use.
  • You can apply this process to your skin twice a week.

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