He Decided to Drink 1 Gallon of Water For 30 Days (The Results Are Shocking!)

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you got that right – he decided to drink 1 gallon of water for 30 days and guess what? The results are amazing. Just take a look at the article below to find out more about this.

As we said, this journalist decided to drink a gallon of water every day for a period of one month, as an experiment to see if there will be any changes in his health and life in general. So, what happened? Well, this journalist ended up being very surprised by the results. Here’s what happened:

1st Day – Let th eParty Begin

On the first day, he got a gallon plastic bottle, but he had no idea how many glasses are in a gallon. So, he looked at this big bottle of water and he knew that this is not going to be an easy task at all. But, that didn’t stop him! He was fully determined and concentrated on achieving this goal so he couldn’t concentrate on anything else but this. He carried his huge water bottle with him everywhere.

5th Day – Urinating Every 20 Minutes

We all know that the human body is consisted of 60% of water and it needs water on a daily basis – to “fully” operate! But, let’s face it – a gallon of water a day is nowhere near the typical amount consumed by people. How this works – well, in order to drink this amount of water in one day, you have to drink water all the time (even when you are not thirsty). Well, ladies and gentlemen, this means that you have to drink water throughout the entire day. This makes you feel satiated all the time, your appetite will be reduced, so consequently you start eating less. In addition, you feel constant need for urinating, like this man who had to visit the toilet every 20 minutes.

10th Day – Feel Better

This man also mentioned that he used to drink a cup of coffee in the morning, to help him start the day. But now, he always wakes up feeling fresh and energized, without drinking coffee. Moreover, he started noticing changes in his appearance and he began feeling more beautiful. Well yes, and he also said that his hair and skin have become shinier. Although it was hard for him to carry the bottle of water with him everywhere, for which some saw him as a weirdo, his determination to succeed was greater.

15th Day – Feeling Full with Energy

As we said – he was feeling fresh and full of energy. Before, he used to drink 3 or more cups of coffee per day, but now he didn’t feel the need for it, so this was quite a big change for him. And, he also slept much better and also become a bit faster. His body started adapting to his new lifestyle, so he was feeling thirsty if he hadn’t consumed water for a while.

20th Day – Receiving Compliments

This amazing person, who had to go to the toilet very often noticed that his urine started being crystal clear. So, his girlfriend complimented him on his clear and better skin, and on his increased energy. He began feeling happy and satisfied, and he got used to drinking the huge amounts of water.

30th Day – Clean and Free

After 30 days, he said that he still had to urinate all the time, but on the last day of his experiment, the journalist was thirsty all the time. Although a gallon of water on a daily basis is a bit too much, he adds that he doesn’t think of stopping this newly acquired habit. The reason is the many positive effects he felt when drinking this amount of water. The most important thing is to find out the proper amount of water for your body, and to start drinking it as soon as possible to feel the benefits. We really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank you and have a good one!

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